I have a json array from a json response of this nature
data {"success":true,"errorCode":0,"data":["kkkk-kkkk 1","oooo-ooooo 2"]}
kkkk-kkkk 1
oooo-ooooo 2
in angular script controller I am doing this to push the array into the html view
else if (res.status == 200) {
$scope.partners = [];
var myJSON = res.data;
console.log("data" + JSON.stringify(res.data));
angular.forEach(myJSON, function (item) {
I want to get the json arrays to fill a dropdown of this is a challenge
<select ng-model="act" formcontrol class="ui fluid dropdown ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" required>
<option ng-repeat="a in activities" value="{{a}}">{{a}}</option>
Please assist
Actually you are iterating the wrong array, you are iterating the object instead.
Because in your code:
console.log("data" + JSON.stringify(res.data));
Will give you:
data {"success":true,"errorCode":0,"data":["kkkk-kkkk 1","oooo-ooooo 2"]}
So you need to store res.data.data
in your myJSON
variable, or the best would be to assign this array directly in your $scope.activities
$scope.activities = res.data.data;
And in your HTML:
<select ng-model="act" formcontrol class="ui fluid dropdown ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid" ng-options="option for option in activities"required>