I developed a WCF service, and now reading about the bindings. It s said that TCP binding is the fastest one, which i like to use, but it requires WCF to WCF communication? What s that exactly means?
I have a an application that s on IIS 7, using ASP.NET and a WCF service. they are on different machines. can i use TCP binding?
When i try tcp binding from client (IIS 7) to WCF service, i m getting connection error.
is it possible to connect to WCF service using only tcp binding from another server with IIS 7?
if there is , how to do it? I open the port on firewall etc. oh , wcftestclient works, my app doesnt. :(
IIS uses http. So if your intent is to communicate from a WCF client to an ASP.NET application you should use the http binding. In IIS7, you have to manually go through a series of steps to enable non-HTTP bindings, but it's possible. This MSDN article show you how you can do this http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163357.aspx
If your client application is the ASP.NET application then yes, you should be able to use TCP binding between you ASP.NET application (that is acting as a WCF client) and your other application that is NOT an ASP.NET application but a regular application that is a WCF service
What you might want to try is build a console application as your WCF client using TCP binding and then:
If both these work then it should work from your ASP.NET application as well.