According to the documentation, currentWindow
has been removed along with the Titanium.UI.Window.url
property to load JavaScript files in their own contexts. I have successfully removed the URL references using require()
I have inherited a project that refers to currentWindow
for managing different page assets, like so:
var thisWindow = Titanium.UI.currentWindow;
// var thisWindow = Ti.UI.currentWindow; - also doesn't work
var nav = Titanium.UI.iOS.createNavigationWindow({
window: thisWindow
thisWindow.nav = nav;;
var detailWindow = Ti.UI.createWindow({
backgroundColor: '#fff',
backButtonTitle: '',
navTintColor: '#FFF',
barColor: '#222222',
getURL: '',
titleControl: Ti.UI.createLabel({
//text: 'TITLE',
color: '#FFF',
font: {
fontSize: 16,
fontWeight: 'bold'
detailWindow = require('details');
// add the detail to the nav window
detailWindow.nav = thisWindow.nav;
Here are the contents of details.js:
var window = Ti.UI.currentWindow;
var website = window.getURL;
var webview = Titanium.UI.createWebView({
And as this is no longer supported I'm getting the error:
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'thisWindow.nav=nav')
How do I bring this method up to date (ideally without a huge rewrite, as there are many pages and page-elements linked in this way).
You can use the commonjs structure.
If you need to pass a window from one file to the other, provide it using setters.
// main.js
var details = require('details');
// details.js
var window;
exports.setWindow = function(win){
window = win;
The other way around using get aso works of course.
// details.js
exports.window = window;
// main.js
detailWindow = require('details').window;
Keep in mind though, when using require
it is loaded in memory. When requireing again later, you're hitting the same thing, it won't re-generate. In case you do want that you need to make functions that create it, and run that.
function createWindow(){
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow();
return win;