I am learning functional programming in C++. My intention is to pass a non generic function as argument. I know about the template method, however I would like to restrict the function signature as part of the API design. I worked out 4 different methods example on cpp.sh:
// Example program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
typedef int(functor_type)(int);
int by_forwarding(functor_type &&x) {
return x(1);
int functor_by_value(functor_type x) {
return x(1);
int std_func_by_value(std::function<functor_type> x) {
return x(1);
int std_func_by_forwarding(std::function<functor_type> &&x) {
return x(1);
int main()
std::cout << functor_by_value([](int a){return a;}); // works
std::cout << std_func_by_value([](int a){return a;}); // works
std::cout << std_func_by_forwarding(std::move([](int a){return a;})); // works
//std::cout << by_forwarding([](int a){return a;}); // how to move lambda with forwarding ?
Is any of the above attempts correct? If not, how do i achieve my goal?
(based on clarification from comments)
Signature can be restricted by using std::is_invocable
template<typename x_Action> auto
functor_by_value(x_Action && action)
static_assert(std::is_invocable_r_v<int, x_Action, int>);
return action(1);