I had to use the Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!/4 to query my database. It worked great and returns the results I was expecting.
When I try to display the results on a Phoenix page using <%= for result <- @results do %>
I get this error
protocol Enumerable not implemented for %Mariaex.Result{...}
So the question is, how do I enumerate over the results to display them in an HTML table?
Dogbert got me onto the right track but I ultimately ended up doing this so that I can have individual control of each table cell (e.g. assign classes, attributes, etc.).
<%= for row <- @results.rows do %>
<% [field_1, field_2, field_3, field_4, field_5, _, _, _] = row %>
<td nowrap><%= field_1 %></td>
<td class="fancy><%= field_2 %></td>
According to the README, the fields' data is stored in the rows
field of the struct and the name of the columns are in columns
. To convert these into a key/value pair you can use Enum.zip
. This should work:
<%= for row <- @results.rows do %>
<%= for {column, value} <- Enum.zip(@results.columns, row) do %>
<%= inspect {column, value} %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
PS: I'd rename the variable to @result