I am trying to use typeahead from angular strap.
I have array for typeahead:
`$scope.icons = [
{value: 'idGear', label: 'Gear'},
{value: 'idGlobe', label: 'Globe'},
{value: 'oidHeart', label: 'Heart'},
{value: 'camera', label: 'Camera'}
and want to filter array on label
so I added:
bs-options="icon.value as icon.label for icon in icons|filter:{label:$viewValue}"
but when I select first item in input I see value
(idGear) but not label
It works fine for last item {value: 'camera', label: 'Camera'}
if value
is allmoust the same as label
here is planker with issue demonstartion http://plnkr.co/edit/blXEtsCG9RRBctkniHAW?p=preview
Thanks for any help.
Why not pass it the full object and from there you can manipulate it accordingly:
<input type="text"
bs-options="icon as icon.label for icon in icons|filter:{label:$viewValue}"
placeholder="Enter icon" bs-typeahead>
i.e. if you want to use the value
var myval = selectedIcon.value;
var mylab = selectedIcon.Label;