I have a table with column A containing incrementing numerical values, and column B being a bunch of names. I need to filter the table according the names, and have column C update with the difference between the value in column A in the current row and the cell above..
For example, I'd like to have something like this which, when filtered according to the Name column, should update the difference like so
I have tried to use SUBTOTAL function in a few different ways but to no avail. Ideally it'd update once the filter in the table is changed. I tried to do this in VBA but so far I've gotten macro that only filters with the hard-coded filter criteria.
Solutions in either excel formulas/python/vba are all welcomed and greatly appreciated!
I apologise in advance if this question isn't up to standards as Im new here :) Thank you in advance!
@JvdV: This is the outcome of me trying to implement your formula, This is after filtering.
So after your explenation I have looked into a formula that will give you the difference of the current row B-value minus the B-value of occurance of the A-value before that.
Taking your sample data, it would look like this:
Then when you apply the filter, it would look like this:
So with this workaround you dont have the correct value when no filter is applied, but in this case I assumed you are interested in the difference when it IS filtered!
The formula is entered in cell C2
and dragged down.
If this is not the answer you'r after and you DO need the values when it is not filtered, make use of a UDF like below:
Public Function LastVisibleCell(CL As Range) As Long
Dim RW As Long, X As Long
RW = CL.Row - 1
On Error GoTo 1
If RW > 1 Then
For X = RW To 1 Step -1
If ActiveSheet.Rows(X).EntireRow.Hidden Then
LastVisibleCell = Cells(CL.Row, 2).Value - Cells(X, 2).Value
Exit For
End If
Next X
1: LastVisibleCell = 0
End If
End Function
Call it from cell C2
like: =LastVisibleCell(A2)
and drag down. When you apply your filter, the cells will update.
Beware, this will take ages to update on large datasets!