Search code examples

Select next unique value

I am looking to copy data from a column to a column on another sheet.

Sheet one has a list of ID numbers (starting at F3) next to clock in and out times. There will be anything from 5 - 31 entries of the ID number, before moving to the next employee.

On sheet two is a time sheet with one row per day. The first row of each employee is blank (starting at C8) with the balance of data on that row (name, trade, site etc.) being a reference to this blank cell. There will be anywhere from 29 - 31 rows per employee on sheet two, to allow for all calendar days of the month.

I am trying to search sheet one for the next unique ID, then copy that value to the next available blank cell on sheet two.

The code I have works (sort of) when referencing between sheets and filling in the first value. Selecting the next unique value and then looping till the end of the list is eluding me.

Image of spreadsheets:

Sub TimesheetID()

ThisVal = ActiveCell.Value
ThisRow = ActiveCell.Row
ThisCol = ActiveCell.Column
FinalRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row

Worksheets("All Go").Activate



ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
With Selection.Font
    .Name = "Arial"
    .Size = 8
    .Strikethrough = False
    .Superscript = False
    .Subscript = False
    .OutlineFont = False
    .Shadow = False
    .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
    .ColorIndex = 1
    .TintAndShade = 0
    .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With
With Selection.Font
    .Name = "Arial"
    .Size = 11
    .Strikethrough = False
    .Superscript = False
    .Subscript = False
    .OutlineFont = False
    .Shadow = False
    .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
    .ColorIndex = 1
    .TintAndShade = 0
    .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With
With Selection
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
    .WrapText = True
    .Orientation = 0
    .AddIndent = False
    .IndentLevel = 0
    .ShrinkToFit = False
    .ReadingOrder = xlContext
    .MergeCells = False
End With
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

Worksheets("All GO").Activate

    ThisRow = ThisRow + 1
    If ThisRow > Application.Rows.Count Then
        Cells(ThisRow - 1, ThisCol).Select
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Cells(ThisRow, ThisCol).Value = ThisVal Then
        GoTo GoAgain
        Cells(ThisRow, ThisCol).Select
    End If



 Application.CutCopyMode = False
With Selection.Font
    .Name = "Arial"
    .Size = 8
    .Strikethrough = False
    .Superscript = False
    .Subscript = False
    .OutlineFont = False
    .Shadow = False
    .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
    .ColorIndex = 1
    .TintAndShade = 0
    .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With
With Selection.Font
    .Name = "Arial"
    .Size = 11
    .Strikethrough = False
    .Superscript = False
    .Subscript = False
    .OutlineFont = False
    .Shadow = False
    .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
    .ColorIndex = 1
    .TintAndShade = 0
    .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With
With Selection
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
    .WrapText = True
    .Orientation = 0
    .AddIndent = False
    .IndentLevel = 0
    .ShrinkToFit = False
    .ReadingOrder = xlContext
    .MergeCells = False
End With 

End Sub


  • This example uses two dictionaries and the Dictionary.Exists method to create an array of unique values from the range A1:A50.

    Option Explicit
    Sub UniqueList()
        Dim UniqueDic As Object
        Dim AllDic As Object 
        Dim rng As Range 
        Dim c As Range 
        Dim UniqueArray() As Variant
        Set UniqueDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 
        Set AllDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$A50") 
        For Each c In rng.Cells
            If Not AllDic.Exists(c.Value2)
                UniqueDic.Add c.Value2, c.Row 
                AllDic.Add c.Value2, c.Row
                If Not UniqueDic.Exists(c.Value2) Then 
                    UniqueDic.Remove c.Value2
                End If
            End If
        UniqueArray() = Array(UniqueDic.Keys)
    End Sub

    If a range is traversed and a dictionary, "AllDic", gains a key equal to the cell value when Not AllDic.Exists Cell.Value evaluates to true; then AllDic.Keys will return an array of values unique to "AllDic" but not necessarily unique to the range.

    Using two dictionaries, "AllDic" and "UniqueDic", if they both get the same key when Not AllDic.Exists Cell.Value evaluates to true, but when it is false "UniqueDic" will lose a key if Not UniqueDic.Exists Cell.Value is true; then keys from both dictionaries will return arrays with unique values, however, "UniqueDic" will not have any values that repeat in the range.