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Empty data after OptionalHeader

I'm working on PE parser, just for learning purposes. As the doc said, the first section header should be immediately after OptionalHeader, but in my case I have a lot of empty data before first header. Here is my code to calculate where should be firtst section:

IMAGE_NT_HEADERS* inth = get_nt_headers(buffer);

DWORD optional_headers_size = inth->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader;
DWORD calculated_ptr = (DWORD)inth + optional_headers_size;

printf("Pointer to IMAGE_NT_HEADERS: %p\n", inth);

printf("Size of optional headers: %x\n", optional_headers_size);

printf("Pointer to first section header: %p\n", calculated_ptr);

BYTE* pointer = (BYTE*)calculated_ptr;

When I iterate over the 'pointer' I see a lot of nullable data, so it is not section I need. PEView or Hexplorer shows empty data too. Why is that? This 'nullable' part of data takes about 24 bytes.

App which I analze is a simple HelloWorld.exe.

I'm confused with one more thing.

In FileHeader I has set 13 number of sections, but if I take a look on PEView in IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER I see 16 sections but the last 3 sections have any assigned values, which means that the RVA and Size are set to 0. This sections are: DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTORS, CLI_HEADER, but the last doesn't has any name.

I calculated that these three last section's size is 24 bytes. This the excatly the same as I mentioned before.

So how I can calculate where excatly is the firts IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER?

Problem solved, but I'm not sure about my solution.

DWORD padding = (IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES - inth->FileHeader.NumberOfSections) * sizeof(IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY);
DWORD calculated_ptr = (DWORD)inth + padding + optional_headers_size;


  • first of all - never use DWORD in place pointer. this is error. DWORD is always 4 byte size, when pointer 4 or 8. code like

    DWORD calculated_ptr = (DWORD)inth + optional_headers_size;

    always wrong. you can use DWORD_PTR(which is exactly pointer size) instead DWORD.

    then SizeOfOptionalHeader how easy understand is size of IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER which is part of IMAGE_NT_HEADERS. but code like this

    DWORD_PTR calculated_ptr = (DWORD_PTR)inth + inth->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader; use SizeOfOptionalHeader as size of IMAGE_NT_HEADERS. you simply confuse size of IMAGE_NT_HEADERS with size of IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER

    so correct solution will be

            (ULONG_PTR)&inth->OptionalHeader + inth->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader);

    need add SizeOfOptionalHeader not to inth (address of PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS) but to &inth->OptionalHeader

    or better use PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pish = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(inth);

    the IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION - this is ready macro defined in winnt.h which have the same effect (produce same code) as (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)((ULONG_PTR)&inth->OptionalHeader + inth->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader);