Consider the following code:
struct Foo {
std::string s;
Foo(std::string s_) : s(s_) { }
Foo* f(std::string s)
return new Foo(s);
where f()
can be called with an lvalue or rvalue std::string
, or with a char const*
causing a temporary (but that's the same as an rvalue I resume). For example:
int main()
std::string s("test");
std::string s2("test");
f(s2); // This MUST cause one copy.
Only in the last case one copy is really needed.
In all other cases I'd like that no copy is made at all and the std::string
is constructed just once (into the allocated Foo
Is this possible? If so, how would the signature of f()
look like?
Using Tracked from cwds I created a little test program with a string
class that prints when it is constructed, moved etc. For the main() function please see this blob.
The program as-is above gives the following output:
NOTICE : Calling f("test")... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string0*
TRACKED : string1*(string0)
TRACKED : string2*(string1)
TRACKED : string1~
TRACKED : string0~
NOTICE : <continued> done
TRACKED : string2~
NOTICE : Calling f(string())... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string3*
TRACKED : string4*(string3)
TRACKED : string5*(string4)
TRACKED : string4~
TRACKED : string3~
NOTICE : <continued> done
TRACKED : string5~
NOTICE : Constructing s("test")... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string6*
NOTICE : <continued> done
NOTICE : Calling f(std::move(s))... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string6=>string7*
TRACKED : string8*(string7)
TRACKED : string9*(string8)
TRACKED : string8~
TRACKED : string7~
NOTICE : <continued> done
TRACKED : string9~
NOTICE : Constructing s2("test")... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string10*
NOTICE : <continued> done
NOTICE : Calling f(std::move(s))... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string11*(string10)
TRACKED : string12*(string11)
TRACKED : string13*(string12)
TRACKED : string12~
TRACKED : string11~
NOTICE : <continued> done
TRACKED : string13~
NOTICE : Leaving main()...
TRACKED : string10~
TRACKED : string6~
Which, as expected, shows a lot of copying.
Using max66's first suggestion, see this change I get the following output:
NOTICE : Calling f("test")... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string0*
TRACKED : string0=>string1*
TRACKED : string1=>string2*
TRACKED : string1~
TRACKED : string0~
NOTICE : <continued> done
TRACKED : string2~
NOTICE : Calling f(string())... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string3*
TRACKED : string3=>string4*
TRACKED : string4=>string5*
TRACKED : string4~
TRACKED : string3~
NOTICE : <continued> done
TRACKED : string5~
NOTICE : Constructing s("test")... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string6*
NOTICE : <continued> done
NOTICE : Calling f(std::move(s))... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string6=>string7*
TRACKED : string7=>string8*
TRACKED : string8=>string9*
TRACKED : string8~
TRACKED : string7~
NOTICE : <continued> done
TRACKED : string9~
NOTICE : Constructing s2("test")... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string10*
NOTICE : <continued> done
NOTICE : Calling f(std::move(s))... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string11*(string10)
TRACKED : string11=>string12*
TRACKED : string12=>string13*
TRACKED : string12~
TRACKED : string11~
NOTICE : <continued> done
TRACKED : string13~
NOTICE : Leaving main()...
TRACKED : string10~
TRACKED : string6~
Which is perfect in terms of copies being made! There is a lot of moving though, which makes me think I might as well just use the good old std::string const&
(that, if I was using it should be replaced by std::string_view
I understand-- which I shouldn't be using here since in the end I DO take ownership of the string; as per this answer).
Using max66's second suggestion, although I left out the template because I don't think that is needed here? See the different in this commit, the output becomes:
NOTICE : Calling f("test")... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string0*
TRACKED : string0=>string1*
TRACKED : string0~
NOTICE : <continued> done
TRACKED : string1~
NOTICE : Calling f(string())... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string2*
TRACKED : string2=>string3*
TRACKED : string2~
NOTICE : <continued> done
TRACKED : string3~
NOTICE : Constructing s("test")... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string4*
NOTICE : <continued> done
NOTICE : Calling f(std::move(s))... <unfinished>
TRACKED : string4=>string5*
NOTICE : <continued> done
TRACKED : string5~
NOTICE : Leaving main()...
TRACKED : string4~
Which it pretty damn close to ideal if it wasn't for the fact that I had to comment out the passing of the s2 lvalue because with that I get the error:
error: cannot bind rvalue reference of type ‘string&&’ to lvalue of type ‘string’
Is there a way to fix this, so I get the ideal output and still have it work when I try to pass an lvalue? Note that if I add an overload for f()
that takes a string then the first two calls become ambiguous :(.
You tagged C++17, so you can use move semantics (from C++11) and you use it in main()
It seems to me that the signature, that receive a copy, is OK.
But you have to use std::move()
inside f()
Foo * f (std::string s)
{ return new Foo{std::move(s)}; }
// ...............^^^^^^^^^
and inside the Foo()
Foo (std::string s_) : s{std::move(s_)} { }
// ......................^^^^^^^^^
or unnecessary copies are made.
An alternative is use template types, universal reference and std::forward
I mean
struct Foo
std::string s;
template <typename S>
Foo (S && s_) : s{std::forward<std::string>(s_)} { }
template <typename S>
Foo * f (S && s)
{ return new Foo{std::forward<S>(s)}; }