With PCRE you can define subpatterns which can be referenced later on. Here's a trivial example:
# start delimiter
# define non-matching subpatterns, is this supported by <regex>?
(?<alpha> [A-Za-z])
(?<num> [0-9])
# actual pattern, referencing subpattern definitions
^ (?&alpha){2} (?&num){2} $
#end delimiter and extended flag to ignore whitespace in pattern
Do any of the regex syntaxes from the standard library <regex>
support this, or is this really a PCRE-specific feature, perhaps?
I'm working with C++11.
The <regex>
library supports the following grammars:
: The Modified ECMAScript regular expression grammar;
: The basic POSIX regular expression grammar;
: The extended POSIX regular expression grammar;
: The regular expression grammar used by the awk utility in
: The regular expression grammar used by the grep utility in
POSIX. This is effectively the same as the basic option with the
addition of newline '\n' as an alternation separator;
: The regular expression grammar used by the grep utility,
with the -E option, in POSIX. This is effectively the same as the
extended option with the addition of newline '\n' as an alternation
separator in addtion to '|'.
Unfortunately, none of them support this feature.
More information on cppreference.com.