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How to accept text/csv as content-type in spring-web servlet?

I want to create a simple webservice that produces text/csv content. But I cannot request it:

public class MyServlet {
    @PostMapping(produces = {"text/csv", "application/json"})
    public Object post() {

When I send a post request with Content-Type: text/csv as http header, I'm getting the following error:

415: Content type 'text/csv' not supported

This is my configuration:

public class ContentNegotiationConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
    public void configureContentNegotiation(ContentNegotiationConfigurer configurer) {
                .favorParameter(true) //favor &format=csv
                //.mediaType("csv", new MediaType("text", "csv")) //also tried without success


  • If you (client) expect csv content, client should pass text/csv as Accept header not Content-Type.