I'm using unity, and unity does not have a tuple in it, so I created my own tuple class to work since I needed it for my Dictionary.
Dictionary <Tuple<int,int>, Tile>
Tile class that I created and isn't really relevant to solve this problem(at least I think it wont help).
But the problem is that I'm using both negative and positive integer in my tuples, and when I use my current GetHashCode()
with the Tuples
, sometimes I get the same HashCode, for example Tuple<-10, 8>
and Tuple<-9,-10>
both gives -172 when I return the hashcode.
Is there any good GetHashCode that wouldn't get me conflicts?
To be honest I'm only using the operator ==
, because I need to check if both tuples have the same integers inside of them, if I could get a operator ==
that only collides when both integer are the same and in the same order, it would solve my problem.
Some other minor problems, I can't get to understand the Equals override, as it is, it is working, but I don't know how well it works, since I kind of changed every single thing until it worked.
public class Tuple<T1, T2>
public T1 First { get; private set; }
public T2 Second { get; private set; }
public Tuple(T1 _First, T2 _Second)
First = _First;
Second = _Second;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 0;
hash = First.GetHashCode() * 17 + Second.GetHashCode() + First.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public static bool operator==(Tuple<T1, T2> obj1, Tuple<T1, T2> obj2)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj2))
return false;
return (obj1.GetHashCode() == obj2.GetHashCode());
public static bool operator!=(Tuple<T1, T2> obj1, Tuple<T1, T2> obj2)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj2))
return true;
return !(obj1.GetHashCode() == obj2.GetHashCode());
public bool Equals(Tuple<T1, T2> other)
if (other == null)
return false;
if (GetHashCode() == other.GetHashCode())
return true;
return false;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
return true;
Tuple<T1, T2> other = obj as Tuple<T1, T2>;
return obj.GetType() == GetType() && Equals(other);
public static class Tuple
public static Tuple<T1, T2> New<T1, T2>(T1 first, T2 second)
var tuple = new Tuple<T1, T2>(first, second);
return tuple;
isn't supposed to be collision free. You should use it to determine if two things might be the same objects, and then you have to actually do a thorough check to see if they are.
For example, your == method should be written more like this:
public static bool operator==(Tuple<T1, T2> obj1, Tuple<T1, T2> obj2)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj2))
return false;
if (obj1.GetHashCode() != obj2.GetHashCode())
return false;
return DefaultComparer<T1>.Equals(obj1.First, obj2.First) && DefaultComparer<T2>.Equals(obj1.Second, obj2.Second);
Also, don't forget to consider the case where obj1
and obj2
are both null
If you're implementing your own Tuple
, you might consider just stealing Microsoft's from the Reference Source repository, or at least use it as a base for your own.