printf("Enter an integer: ");
status = scanf("%d", &integer);
if (status == 0){
printf("Please enter an integer: ");
status = scanf("%d", &integer);
while (status == 0);
I'm trying to prevent a user from entering a data of type of character. However, after the prompt, "Please enter an integer: ", it doesn't wait for an input. Hence, it goes into an infinite loop whenever I enter a letter at the first prompt. How do I fix this? Any heeelp will be greatly appreciated!
You need clean the buffer first, you can use fflush(stdin);
like this:
int integer, status=0;
if (status == 0)
printf("\nPlease enter an integer: ");
status = scanf("%d", &integer);
while (status == 0);
It's not in standard C using fflush(stdin)
but you can clean the buffer in other ways.
You can build your own function to clean the buffer, like this:
void flushKeyBoard()
int ch; //variable to read data into
while((ch = getc(stdin)) != EOF && ch != '\n');
To clean the screen call this function:
void clrscr()
Final code:
#include <stdio.h>
void clrscr()
void flushKeyBoard()
int ch; //variable to read data into
while((ch = getc(stdin)) != EOF && ch != '\n');
int main()
int integer, status=0;
if (status == 0)
printf("\nPlease enter an integer: ");
status = scanf("%d", &integer);
while (status==0);