I have an http interceptor which emits a 'string' whenever a request starts and end:
providedIn: 'root'
export class LoadingIndicatorService implements HttpInterceptor {
private loadingIndicatorSource = new Subject<string>();
private loadingIndicator$ = this.loadingIndicatorSource.asObservable();
intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
return next.handle(req)
() => {
updateVisibility(state: string) {
getLoadingIndicator() {
return this.loadingIndicator$;
This is the component where I injected the service:
export class AppComponent {
display = 'none';
constructor(public authenticationService: AuthenticationService,
public loadingIndicatorService: LoadingIndicatorService) {
this.loadingIndicatorService.getLoadingIndicator().subscribe(visibility => {
this.display = visibility;
Actually I am trying to show a loading indicator:
<div [style.display]="display">
<mat-progress-bar mode="indeterminate" color="warn" ></mat-progress-bar>
I flowed this tutorial from the official Angular site.
But the subscribe method never executes.
Why subscribe method is not working?
What i would do is create a SpinnerService and a SpinnerInterceptor and not merge them together.
Make the spinner service allocate the amount of outstanding requests and show the spinner if the outstanding requests are greater than 0.
export class SpinnerService {
private requestAmount$ = new BehaviorSubject(0);
public showSpinner$ = this.requestAmount$.asObservable().pipe(map(r => r > 0));
requestStart() {
this.requestAmount$.next(this.requestAmount$.getValue() + 1);
requestEnd() {
this.requestAmount$.next(this.requestAmount$.getValue() - 1);
Inside your spinnerInterceptor you can inject the SpinnerService and update it based on each request.
export class SpinnerInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
constructor(private spinnerService: SpinnerService) {}
intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler) {
return next.handle(req).pipe(
finalize(() => {
Inside your app component use the ngOnInit
hook do not use the constructor it is against the style guide.
export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
display = 'none';
constructor(public authenticationService: AuthenticationService,
public spinnerService: SpinnerService) {}
this.spinnerService.showSpinner$.subscribe(visibility => {
this.display = visibility ? 'block': 'none';
Separation makes it easier to read and understand.
Hope this helped!