There is an Unmarshaller implementation down below because of time.Unix
does only accepts seconds or nanoseconds but my data source is in milliseconds. Before asking my questions here is some code
type Platform struct {
Status CampaignStatus `json:"status" bson:"status"`
TotalBudget int `json:"total_budget" bson:"totalBudget"`
RemainingBudget int `json:"remaining_budget" bson:"remainingBudget"`
MillisecondsStartDate int64 `json:"start_date"`
StartDate time.Time `bson:"startDate"`
MillisecondsEndDate int64 `json:"end_date"`
EndDate time.Time `bson:"endDate"`
Audiance Audiance `json:"target_audiance" bson:"targetAudiance"` //typo?
Creatives Creatives `json:"creatives" bson:"Creatives"`
Insights Insights `json:"insights" bson:"insights"`
func (p *Platform) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
p2 := struct {
Status CampaignStatus `json:"status" bson:"status"`
TotalBudget int `json:"total_budget" bson:"totalBudget"`
RemainingBudget int `json:"remaining_budget" bson:"remainingBudget"`
MillisecondsStartDate int64 `json:"start_date"`
StartDate time.Time `bson:"startDate"`
MillisecondsEndDate int64 `json:"end_date"`
EndDate time.Time `bson:"endDate"`
Audiance Audiance `json:"target_audiance" bson:"targetAudiance"` //typo?
Creatives Creatives `json:"creatives" bson:"Creatives"`
Insights Insights `json:"insights" bson:"insights"`
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &p2)
if err != nil {
p2.StartDate = time.Unix(0, p2.MillisecondsStartDate*int64(time.Millisecond/time.Nanosecond))
p2.EndDate = time.Unix(0, p2.MillisecondsEndDate*int64(time.Nanosecond/time.Microsecond))
*p = p2
My questions are
You could compose the fields that the marshaller can handle as an anonymous struct inside the Platform
struct, something like:
type platformInner struct {
Status CampaignStatus `json:"status" bson:"status"`
TotalBudget int `json:"total_budget" bson:"totalBudget"`
RemainingBudget int `json:"remaining_budget" bson:"remainingBudget"`
MillisecondsStartDate int64 `json:"start_date"`
MillisecondsEndDate int64 `json:"end_date"`
Audiance Audiance `json:"target_audiance" bson:"targetAudiance"` //typo?
Creatives Creatives `json:"creatives" bson:"Creatives"`
Insights Insights `json:"insights" bson:"insights"`
type Platform struct {
StartDate time.Time `bson:"startDate"`
EndDate time.Time `bson:"endDate"`
And then in the custom unmarshaller, unmarshal into the nested struct, and set the other values.
func (p *Platform) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
var inner platformInner
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &inner)
if err != nil {
tmp := &Platform{
innerPlatform: inner,
StartDate: time.Unix(0, inner.MillisecondsStartDate*int64(time.Millisecond/time.Nanosecond))
EndDate: time.Unix(0, inner.MillisecondsEndDate*int64(time.Nanosecond/time.Microsecond))
*p = tmp