I want to query a Firestore database with multiple where clauses based on the parameters that are passed in. The following block of code works:
getProducts2(accountId: string, manufacturer?: string, materialType?: string): Promise<Product[]> {
return new Promise<Product[]>((resolve, reject) => {
const productCollection2: AngularFirestoreCollection<FreightRule> = this.afs.collection('products');
const query = productCollection2.ref
.where('materialType', '==', materialType)
.where('manufacturer', '==', manufacturer);
query.get().then(querySnapshot => {
if (querySnapshot.size > 0) {
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map(documentSnapshot => {
return documentSnapshot.data();
}) as Product[];
} //todo else...
But what I really want to do is conditionally include the where clauses based on the optional parameters. The following is what I want, but it doesn't work:
getProducts2(accountId: string, manufacturer?: string, materialType?: string): Promise<Product[]> {
return new Promise<Product[]>((resolve, reject) => {
const productCollection2: AngularFirestoreCollection<FreightRule> = this.afs.collection('products');
const query = productCollection2.ref;
if (manufacturer) {
query.where('manufacturer', '==', manufacturer);
if (materialType) {
query.where('materialType', '==', materialType);
query.get().then(querySnapshot => {
if (querySnapshot.size > 0) {
const data = querySnapshot.docs.map(documentSnapshot => {
return documentSnapshot.data();
}) as Product[];
} //todo else...
While valid, this code just returns all of the products with no filtering.
Is there a way to structure this so I can filter based on the optional parameters?
edit: I realize I can do something like:
let query;
if (manufacturer && materialType) {
query = productCollection2.ref.where(....).where(....)
} else if (manufacturer) {
query = productCollection2.ref.where(....)
} else if (materialType) {
query = productCollection2.ref.where(....)
I was just hoping for something a little more elegant.
Build upon the prior query, don't repeat the prior query:
let query = collection // initial query, no filters
if (condition1) {
// add a filter for condition1
query = query.where(...)
if (condition2) {
// add a filter for condition2
query = query.where(...)
// etc