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How to reset perspective programmatically in Eclipse RCP E4 not E3

I just added 2 perspectives in my RCP App. I can switch from one to another without problems.

But I didn't find a way to reset perspective, for example if I close a Part excidently I need to reset my perspective.

  1. PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().resetPerspective();

this didn't work because I use E4.

  1. -clearPersistedState -persistState false

is not a solution cause I need to reset without restart my App.


  • Use the resetPerspective method of EModelService:

    public void resetPerspectiveModel(MPerspective persp, MWindow window)

    Note that PlatformUI and associated APIs can't be used in a pure e4 application.