When subtracting a given amount from a LocalTime object, I've realised that overflow/underflow can occur.
00:30 - 35 minutes = 23:55
23:30 + 35 minutes = 00:05
For my application, I would like lock times such that the above would generate 00:00
on underflow, and 23:59
on overflow.
Is this possible?
My suggestion is:
LocalTime orig = LocalTime.of(0, 30);
int minutesToSubtract = 35;
long minutesSinceMidnight = ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(LocalTime.MIN, orig);
LocalTime result;
if (minutesToSubtract > minutesSinceMidnight) {
// Subtracting the minutes will pass midnight at start of day
result = LocalTime.MIN;
} else {
// Normal case, no underflow
result = orig.minusMinutes(minutesToSubtract);
The above assumes that minutesToSubtract
is non-negative. If negative numbers may occur, you need to check for both underflow and overflow.
The case of checking for overflow (more than 23:59:59.999999999
) is similar. Use LocalTime.MAX
for end of day.
Edit: JB Nizet’s code for the other operation in his comment deserves proper code formatting, so I am pasting it here:
public static LocalTime addWithoutOverflow(LocalTime baseTime, int minutes) {
LocalTime maxTime = LocalTime.MAX;
long maxNanos = ChronoUnit.NANOS.between(baseTime, maxTime);
long nanos = Duration.ofMinutes(minutes).toNanos();
return baseTime.plusNanos(Math.min(maxNanos, nanos));