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How to register Ef core db context with Castle windsor?

I " ve got a project under .net core. I want to register Ef Core Context with Castle windosr But I couldn 't find a solution to EfCore Wireup context in .net core. Thank you.


  • If you want to do this , first you need to know that you have a Context that has a DbContextOptionsBuilder parameter that has a DbContextOptionsBuilder parameter if you have added these constructor , you need to register this too , and now the code I " ve written below makes you less self - sufficient to use the OnConfiguring method.

       public static class DbContextFactoryBuilder
        public static IDbContext Create(string connectionString)
            var result = new MyDbContext(new DbContextOptionsBuilder().UseSqlServer(connectionString).Options);
            return result;

    and code for register in castle.

    container.Register(Component.For<MyDbContext>().UsingFactoryMethod(c => DbContextFactoryBuilder.Create(@"---your connection string---")));