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Javascript function in Nunjucks

So I've found this in the Nunjucks docs:

Function Calls

If you have passed a javascript method to your template, you can call it like normal.

{{ foo(1, 2, 3) }}

But I can't seem to make in work, I've tried putting my function on the html page in <script> tags but its not working.

I've also tried passing it with the data to the render function:

    stuff: function (string, length) {
        while (string < length) {
            string = "0" + string

And I get: unable to call data["stuff"], which is undefined of falsey


  • You can use addGlobal (see g) or pass a function to render (see f).

    var nunjucks  = require('nunjucks');
    var env = nunjucks.configure();
    function f (s) {
        return s + s; 
    function g (s) {
        return s + s + s; 
    env.addGlobal('g', g);
    var res = nunjucks.renderString('{{f("OK")}} {{g("ok")}}', {f: f});    
    //Output: OKOK okokok