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Changing beans initialized before in faces-config.xml

public class MyBean {
    private Integer [] myField;

    public Integer [] getMyField() {
        return myField;
    public void setMyField(Integer [] myField) {
        this.myField = myField;

And I initialize this same bean in faces-config.xml in this way


Then, in the application I want to change these values. To do it:

        MyBean myBean = new MyBean();
        Integer [] results = myBean.getMyfield();
        //Change the value of this array

But this is not possible, Integer [] results = myBean.getMyfield() gives me a null. Anyway, in the interface of my application, I can see that the bean is correctly initialize, because it holds the values 6, 12 and 24.
Any kind of help?? Thanks in advance


  • As you instantiate MyBean using new, it won't look for the Faces-Config. and it will simply create an object using constructor.

    If you are using jsf2.0 make bean to initialize when your context is being initialized using


    and retrieve the Bean instance from scoped map. if its application scoped bean the.

    MyBean mb = (MyBean)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getApplicationMap().get("beanName");


    your managed bean should look like ,

    import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
    import javax.faces.bean.RequestScoped;
    public class MyBean {

    if you just want to use your bean in another bean then as BalusC suggested simply inject it and get the filled value , without using new

    for example: if you want your MyBean poppulated in SomeOtherBean then

    public class SomeOtherBean {
       private MyBean myBean;
       //getters & setters of myBean


    for jsf 1.2 , there is no annotations, you need to configure your faces-config.xml as shown below
