Can anyone suggest me a good compressor or third party library to compress MP4 video from server side(I am using Spring MVC).
I got to know about FFMPEG and Xuggler, other than this any maintained compressors to use in java.. Please give me suggestions or links to follow.
Used FFMPEG wrapper to compress the video. here's the download link:
here the code:
ffmpeg = new FFmpeg("D:/ffmpeg-20180429-cae6f80-win32-static/ffmpeg-20180429-cae6f80-win32-static/bin/ffmpeg");
ffprobe = new FFprobe("D:/ffmpeg-20180429-cae6f80-win32-static/ffmpeg-20180429-cae6f80-win32-static/bin/ffprobe");
FFmpegBuilder builder = new FFmpegBuilder()
.setInput(input) // Filename, or a FFmpegProbeResult
.overrideOutputFiles(true) // Override the output if it exists
.addOutput(output) // Filename for the destination
.setFormat("mp4") // Format is inferred from filename, or can be set
// .setTargetSize(250_000) // Aim for a 250KB file
.disableSubtitle() // No subtiles
.setAudioChannels(1) // Mono audio
// .setAudioChannels(2)
.setAudioCodec("aac") // using the aac codec
.setAudioSampleRate(48_000) // at 48KHz
.setAudioBitRate(32768) // at 32 kbit/s
// .setAudioBitRate(126000)
.setVideoCodec("libx264") // Video using x264
.setVideoFrameRate(24, 1) // at 24 frames per second
.setVideoResolution(1280, 720) // at 640x480 resolution
// .setVideoResolution(1024, 768)
// .setVideoResolution(640, 480)
.setStrict(FFmpegBuilder.Strict.EXPERIMENTAL) // Allow FFmpeg to use experimental specs
FFmpegExecutor executor = new FFmpegExecutor(ffmpeg, ffprobe);
executor.createJob(builder).run(); // Run a one-pass encode