I use a jasper report as my dashboard on Jasper Server 6.4.2 version.on that report, I have to display current time with live updates without reloading the report manually. I tried to schedule the report and set as output options as Overwrite Files and it's not worked.
Basically,I want to reload a report when it already opened and displayed withing every given time period repeatedly until I close the report. How can I do this?
Found a way by myself.
Go to ViewReport.jsp on jasper server installation files. (When a report loads,this page executes)
Then add below code for it.(Actually we use java script to do this.)
<script type="text/javascript">
var url = window.location.href; //take current tab url
var dash = 'http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&_flo...';
if(url == dash ){
}, 5000);
url is the current display report URL.
dash is the URL that we want to refresh. otherwise all the reports will be refresh within every 5 seconds.
5000 is time gap want to refresh.
restart the jasper server.
that's it..