I have this code that brings one vacancy from my model Vacancy and then render in json the attributes according to the serializer VacancyDetailSerializer:
vacancy = Vacancy.find(params[:id])
render json: vacancy, serializer: VacancyDetailSerializer,
include: [:restaurant]
The thing here is that in the include: [:restaurant]
I want to specify a custom serializer the way I did with vacancy, because right now is taking the serializer of RestaurantSerializer, but I don't want to take that file, is there a way to do it with the include? Maybe is here in the controller, or maybe in the serializer?
If you have belongs_to :restaurant
association in the VacancyDetailSerializer
, then serializer
for this association can be specified:
class VacancyDetailSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
belongs_to :restaurant, serializer: AnotherRestaurantSerializer
Or it can be overridden by providing a block:
class VacancyDetailSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
belongs_to :restaurant do
Or a custom association serializer lookup can be implemented.