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Dependency Issue with Dojo -Uncaught TypeError: chart.addPlot is not a function

I am trying to add a Dojo/Dojox chart to my code, but I keep getting the error Uncaught TypeError: chart.addPlot is not a function. I am pretty sure this is a problem with the way I have set up my dependencies under define([...], function()..., but I don't see it. I have my dependencies set up like this:

....//Dependencies added for Pie Chart. See corresponding functions
], function (declare, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, BaseWidget, ... 
...Chart2D, Pie, Highlight, MoveSlice, Tooltip, dojoxTheme) 
/*jshint unused: true*/
return declare([BaseWidget, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {

As you can see my functions are in the same order: Chart2D, Pie, Highlight, MoveSlice, Tooltip, dojoxTheme. Further down in the code, I create a variable called chart by calling the constructor new Chart2D. I assumed that I would then be able to use any methods under it. .addPlot is a method of Chart2D.

 var c = domConstruct.create("div", {
      id: "Chart"
    }, domConstruct.create("div"));

 var chart = new Chart2D(c);

However when I try to use the following, I get the error thrown. Is there something I am missing back when I added my dependencies? Suggestions?

chart.addPlot("default", {
      type: "Pie",
      radius: 50,
      htmlLabels: true


  • I just found the answer to my problem. It was indeed related to the order of the modules and function arguments. In a nutshell, here's the problem: When I listed my modules under define, they didn't line up with the function aliases/arguments below them. There were a few mods that didn't have function arguments listed, so I thought it would be ok as long as they were still 'technically' in chronological order. It was not. That's what caused the error. Once I moved them (see below), the problem was fixed. Hope this helps someone with similar issues. enter image description here