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CLang: Running function in std::thread causes BAD_ACCESS on struct creation

I've recently switched from Kubuntu 16.04 to Mac OS High Sierra and started porting parts of the code I work with on a regular basis. Among that is a C++ wrapper library for libsctp-dev.

I'm using the SCTP kernel extension to have the same SCTP API as on my Linux machine. While the API calls do not make a problem, using threads provided by the standard C++ library seems to make problems now. The problem can be found in the following code snippets:

void Server::start(int32_t port) {
    //This allocates the socket with the SCTP protocol assigned
    //This function now binds the desired port to the created socket

    //Here I register handlers for network events that can occur
    this->notificationHandler.setAssocChangeHandler(std::bind(&Server::handleAssocChange, this, _1));
    this->notificationHandler.setShutdownEventHandler(std::bind(&Server::handleShutdownEvent, this, _1));
    this->notificationHandler.setSendFailedHandler(std::bind(&Server::handleSendFailed, this, _1));

    //This is the interesting part - this will lead to BAD_ACCESS
    //exceptions in the receive function
    dummy = this;
    this->receiveThread = std::thread(dummyReceive);

    //However, if I run it in the same thread, everything works fine
    //(except that I need the receive loop to run in a separate thread)

    //This is the original call, I just used the dummy function to be
    //sure that the bind function does not create the problem
    //this->receiveThread = std::thread(std::bind(&Server::receive, this));

This is the part where the dummyReceive function is defined:

Server *dummy = NULL;
void dummyReceive(){

Finally, this is the code of the receive method (Server is a subclass of Receiver, which is in turn a subclass of Endpoint):

void Receiver::receive() {

    uint8_t buffer[this->max_buffer_size];
    uint32_t buffer_size = 0;

    struct sockaddr_in peer_addr = {};
    socklen_t peer_addr_size = sizeof(peer_addr);

    struct sctp_sndrcvinfo info = {};
    int32_t flags = 0;

    while (this->can_receive) {
        buffer_size = Endpoint::receive(buffer, max_buffer_size, peer_addr, peer_addr_size, info, flags);
        if (buffer_size == 0) {
            // Notification was sent
        } else if (buffer_size == -1) {
            CERR("Endpoint::receive(...) returned -1" << std::endl);
        } else {
            this->receiveCallback(buffer, buffer_size, peer_addr, peer_addr_size, info);

The strange thing is that the BAD_ACCESS exception occurs when "peer_addr" gets initialized:

struct sockaddr_in peer_addr = {};

This is what CLion gives me as an error message:

EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x70000807bb88)

I can avoid this by initializing the "peer_addr" and "info" struct right at the start of the function. However, then the call to "Endpoint::receive" crashes again with a BAD_ACCESS exception. This time with the following parameters:

EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x70000c4adb90)

Does anyone have an idea what is wrong here? I'm using the Xcode toolchain 9.4.1 (which is internally using clang as far as I know) with CMake 3.12.0 (I'm using CLion as an IDE). If anyone needs the full library code I can upload it to git and share a link (currently it is only on a private git server).

Best Pascal


  • If max_buffer_size is large you are likely to be encountering a stack overflow.

    The stack is a very limited size and is probably smaller on OSX than it was on Linux (e.g. the default pthread stack size is only 512K

    Large buffers should be heap allocated rather than stack allocated.

    OSX isn't very good at detecting stack overflows and often raises the confusing EXC_BAD_ACCESS error instead of a more helpful stack overflow error.