I want to extend the default dropdown with some functionality. The custom dropdown should behave like a default dropdown in the .xaml
file, so it should be possible to add items to it.
Unfortunately, it does not seem to work like in WPF. That's my approach:
MainWindow.xaml: (added the namespace)
<DropDown xmlns="https://github.com/avaloniaui"
Code behind:
public class myCustomDropDown : DropDown
public myCustomDropDown()
private void InitializeComponent()
This seems to compile without errors or warnings, but the control does not show.
You need to also apply DropDown's control styles. You can do that by changing the style key like this: https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia/blob/353c24b8abdeaae2a1c543665ef46c2161573e9f/src/Avalonia.Controls/UserControl.cs#L31 :
public class UserControl : ContentControl, IStyleable
Type IStyleable.StyleKey => typeof(ContentControl);