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How do I create/export to a .PVK file using C#?

I have an RSA private key loaded in an RSACryptoServiceProvider object. I need to export this to a .pvk file for use with SQL Server.

Is there a way to do this from within c#? I see it's possible using openssl...

This is the only documentation I could find on the pvk file format:


  • If you look at the output of RSACryptoServiceProvider.ExportCspBlob you'll see that it starts with the same sequence of bytes as offset 24 of an unencrypted PVK file. So a PVK file is just the CSP blob with a header:

    using (var output = new BinaryWriter(File.Create("rsa.pvk")))
        output.Write(0xB0B5F11Eu);  // PVK magic number
        output.Write(1u);           // KEYTYPE_KEYX for RSA
        output.Write(0u);           // not encrypted
        output.Write(0u);           // encryption salt length
        var cspBlob = rsaCSP.ExportCspBlob(true);

    I've verified that OpenSSL will read this

    openssl rsa -in rsa.pvk -inform PVK

    and will generate the same PEM private key export as the code in this answer that generates the PEM private key directly from the RSACryptoServiceProvider.