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How can I get past 33! using Javascript in Browser?

I know there must be a trick I am missing, how do I calculate past 33! using in browser JS? I have the following already, this gets me to 33 but blows up when I go to 34. I Got 34 to work in Node like this...

 node --max-old-space-size=4096 --experimental-modules test.mjs

But it blows up again at 35.

Can I calculate past 33! using JS in the browser?


  • Such large numbers aren't supported natively, so one option is to use a library such as BigInteger:

    const factorial = n => bigInt(n).multiply(
      n === 1
      ? 1
      : factorial(n - 1)
    <script src=""></script>

    (when using it, make sure to pass large numbers as strings or other bigInts to avoid precision loss)