I am trying to use premake4 to compile a C++
project. And I choose glad to help me make it cross-platform.
Hence, I write the following script premake4.lua
solution "skinned-animation"
configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
project "skinned-animation"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C++"
linkoptions { "-L/usr/local/lib", "-lboost_system", "-lboost_filesystem", "-lglfw" }
includedirs { "../prerequisite", "/usr/local/include" }
files { "../skinned-animation/**.h", "../skinned-animation/**.cpp", "../skinned-animation/**.c" }
buildoptions { "-std=c++14" }
However, the problem is that premake
will exert the flag -std=c++14
to all both C
(only glad.c
actually) and C++
files. And that leads to an error.
How can we distinguish C
and C++
and give them different flags because premake4
doesn't have filter
In the end, I choose to compile glad.c
to static library first with the following instruction and then link it to my project:
clang -c glad.c
ar rcs libglad.a glad.o