I have a vendor supplied application that outputs Node.JS Winston logs in JSON format that I am trying to output into single line CSV format.
There are many different types of array types and I've used "JQ" utilize to out the elements I want out of each element successfully.
The raw being something like the following:
{"result":{"TransactionID":"ac710dc0-8aa4-11e8-a08c-0d98209bb4f5","TimeStamp":"2018-07-18T12:07:33.082-04:00","SourceSystem":"SOUP","Status":"Accepted"},"level":"info","message":"SOAP createServiceRequest ack recieved & is successful.","timestamp":"2018-07-18T16:07:33.047Z"}
The output being currently with my existing command string (minus the @csv) like:
"SOAP createServiceRequest ack recieved & is successful.",
I have read many posts on SE about outputting to CSV and it seems relatively straight forward but I consistently get an error.
tail -200 ClientOutbound.log | jq-win64.exe --raw-output "[.timestamp, .level, .message, .result .TransactionID, .result .TimeStamp, .result .Status|tostring|@csv]"
Though with the above @csv present I get errors like the following no matter how I narrow down the fields included.. it just moves the error.
jq: error (at <stdin>:199): string ("2018-07-18...) cannot be csv-formatted, only array
and the @csv outside of the array produces a similar error with different detail but also not even parsing the JSON.
c:\Nodejs\Logs> jq-win64.exe --raw-output @csv ClientOutbound.log "[.level, .message, .result .TransactionID, .result .TimeStamp, .result .Status]"
For example from what type of array:
jq: error (at NCRClientOutbound.log:2074): object ({"level":"i...) cannot be csv-formatted, only array
jq: error (at NCRClientOutbound.log:2075): object ({"argv":["D...) cannot be csv-formatted, only array jq: error (at NCRClientOutbound.log:2076): object ({"CreateSer...) cannot be csv-formatted, only array jq: error (at NCRClientOutbound.log:2077): object ({"lastReque...) cannot be csv-formatted, only array jq: error (at NCRClientOutbound.log:2078): object ({"result":{...) cannot be csv-formatted, only array
The end result I am looking for is something that looks like this (with or without the new encapsulating [] (preferably without) but each row being on the same line.. and as a bonus would be a unique line identifier.
"2018-07-18T16:07:33.047Z", "info", "SOAP createServiceRequest ack recieved & is successful.", "ac710dc0-8aa4-11e8-a08c-0d98209bb4f5", "2018-07-18T12:07:33.082-04:00", "Accepted"
What do I need to do to get past my error and get the desired output?
To add line-numbers, the following helper function would be a good way to go:
def tocsv(s):
foreach s as $line (0; .+1; [.] + $line)
| map(tostring) # for robustness
| @csv ;
And then:
| [.timestamp, .level, .message]
+ ( .result | [.TransactionID, .TimeStamp, .Status] ))
This assumes your jq has inputs
and that you include -n
as a command-line option.