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How to inject object builders into MVC controller?

I'm working on ASP.NET MVC project. In order to map view model to domain entity, I've decided to use a builder pattern. PtoRequest, UtoRequest are a part of the domain and inherit from abstract TimeOffRequest class which implements ITimeOffRequest. For each of them I have a separate builder. Each builder implements IRequestBuilder. The problem I'm having is how to enject those builders into the controller (Assuming I do not have to enject one builder for each type of request)?

  • Pto - paid time off
  • Uto - unpaid time off


public class TimeOffManager : Controller
   private readonly IUnitOfWork _uow;

   public TimeOffManager(IUnitOfWork uow)
       _uow = uow;

   public ActionResult RequestPto(PtoFormVm vm)
       //validate view model...

       ITimeOffRequest pto = new PtoRequestBuilder()
                               .InRange(vm.StartDate, vm.EndDate)
       // Etc...

   public ActionResult RequestUto(UtoFormVm vm)
       //validate view model...

       ITimeOffRequest uto = new UtoRequestBuilder()
                               .InRange(vm.StartDate, vm.EndDate)
       // Etc...


  • Like this?

    public class TimeOffManager : Controller
       private readonly IUnitOfWork _uow;
       private readonly IRequestBuilder ptoBuilder;
       private readonly IRequestBuilder utoBuilder;
       public TimeOffManager(IUnitOfWork uow, IRequestBuilder ptoBuilder, IRequestBuilder utoBuilder)
           _uow = uow;
           this.ptoBuilder = ptoBuilder;
           this.utoBuilder = utoBuilder;
       public ActionResult RequestPto(PtoFormVm vm)
           //validate view model...
           ITimeOffRequest pto = ptoBuilder
                                   .InRange(vm.StartDate, vm.EndDate)
           // Etc...
       public ActionResult RequestUto(UtoFormVm vm)
           //validate view model...
           ITimeOffRequest uto = utoBuilder()
                                   .InRange(vm.StartDate, vm.EndDate)
           // Etc...

    Apart from that, why do you have an abstract class that implements an interface? An abstract class is already polymorphic...