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Aggregate query in golang

I need to write a query in golang with mgo, here's the query in the mongo:

{$match: { "": "11111" }},
    {$project: { 
            _id : 0,
            url : { $concat: [ "","$data.aID" ]},
       items :{

I will be grateful if you will help in this problem.

// I apologize for the incorrectly posed question, in the future I will follow the instructions, my problem was with $concat


  • The syntax here is tricky because it's similar to JSON but different enough to be confusing.

    In particular, note that arrays use curly brace delimiters []bson.M{...} and the $concat value is an array of strings []string{...}:

    query := []bson.M{ // NOTE: slice of bson.M here
        "$match": bson.M{"": "11111"},
        "$project": bson.M{
          "_id": 0,
          "url": bson.M{
            "$concat": []string{ // NOTE: slice of strings here
          "items": bson.M{
            "$map": bson.M{
              "input": "$data.items",
              "as":    "it",
              "in":    bson.M{"item_title": "$$it.title", "item_id": "$$"},