Scanning of advertisements from nearby Bluetooth Low Energy Devices is my priority. The code which i tried,requested the devices(it wanted to pair to get the characteristics). But my use case was to listen to their advertisements. For which I found this code
function recordNearbyBeacon(major, minor, pathLossVs1m) { ... }
filters: [{manufacturerData: {0x004C: {dataPrefix: new Uint8Array([
0x02, 0x15, // iBeacon identifier.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 // My beacon UUID.
options: {
keepRepeatedDevices: true,
}).then(() => {
navigator.bluetooth.addEventListener('advertisementreceived', event => {
let appleData = event.manufacturerData.get(0x004C);
if (appleData.byteLength != 23) {
// Isn’t an iBeacon.
let major = appleData.getUint16(18, false);
let minor = appleData.getUint16(20, false);
let txPowerAt1m = -appleData.getInt8(22);
let pathLossVs1m = txPowerAt1m - event.rssi;
recordNearbyBeacon(major, minor, pathLossVs1m);
There are certain uuids in the official site which i tried but none seem to work. I want to get the characteristic values from the advertisement data. How to get the data in Javascript? Thanks in advance.
According to the implementation status document from the Web Bluetooth GitHub, the Web Bluetooth Scanning API (which is what provides the requestLEScan
method) is not yet implemented in any browser.