Search code examples

typehead disallow free text entry?

I am using bootstrap typeahead in my textbox to bind the list of users through Ajax call here is my code

    source: function (query, process) {
        return $.get($_GetUsers_ByLoggedInUser, { term: query }, function (result) {

            var resultList = [];
            $.map(result, function (item, id) {
                if (item && (item.first_name || item.last_name)) {
                    var displayName = item.first_name + ' ' + item.last_name;
                    var user = { id: item.UserId, name: displayName ? displayName.trim() + ' - ' + : '' };
            return process(resultList);
    minLength: 2,
    autoSelect: true,
    afterSelect: function (e) {

But the problem is that I want to disable the free text entry so the user cannot able to enter invalid value only those value is inserted which are available in the list?


  • Yes, you can do this thing with the below code.

    var myData = [...]; // This array will contain all your possible data for the typeahead
    $("#my-type-ahead").typeahead({source : myData})
    function validateSelection() {
        if(source.indexOf($(this).val()) === -1) 
            alert('Error : element not in list!');

    This was the answer given by @samuel in this Link. But I suppose you can do better by using callback function and prevent value being entered. Its your choice.
