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How to delete elements of a table in Rethinkdb from Data Explorer?

I have an application created in Node.js with a Rethinkdb database, I load images from the application, but from the Data Explorer, to which you can connect from localhost: 8080, I can not delete the loaded elements.

// This is how I show the elements that the table has Data Explorer
// And this is, or that shows
  "createdAt": Sun Jul 29 2018 16:19:27 GMT+00:00 ,
  "id": "17aac165-e885-4278-9cf2-8a71bca65fe3" ,
  "publicId": "0IERfW4T5wfcjhFjGNftZh" ,
  "src": https:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1532881165551.jpg, »
  "tags": [ ],
  "user": {
    "avatar": "" ,
    "name": "" ,
    "username": "pedrito"
  "userId": "pedrito"

For more than what I check the javascript documentation of Rethinkdb: (

I can not find a way to remove the elements of the images from the table one by one. It's there, but I cannot find the way. The most I can see is how to remove users from another table: r.db ("xxxxxxxx"). Table ("users"). Filter (r.row ['username'] = 'pedrito'). delete (). runpero

I can not delete the images in the same way. I want to do it from Data Explorer, from the graphical part of Rethinkdb. Thanks.


  • This question is a bit unclear, if you mean deleting the entire document:

    database, table, and document_id are placeholders
    database: The database the table you are trying to delete from is in
    table: The table the document you want to delete is in
    document_id: The primary key of the document (default id) that you want to delete

    so in this

    { "createdAt": Sun Jul 29 2018 16:19:27 GMT+00:00 , "id": "17aac165-e885-4278-9cf2-8a71bca65fe3" , "publicId": "0IERfW4T5wfcjhFjGNftZh" , "src": https:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1532881165551.jpg, » "tags": [ ], "user": { "avatar": "" , "name": "" , "username": "pedrito" } , "userId": "pedrito" }

    Your primary key is likely ID, so you would use

    else, if you mean deleting a specific key, go check this answer to another question

    EDIT: Delete all

    r.db('database').table('table').forEach((entry)=>{ return r.db('database').table('table').get(entry('id')).delete(); });

    this will delete absolutely EVERYTHING in the table!

    EDIT: Delete where key = value

    r.db('database').table('table').filter({key:"value"}).forEach((entry)=>{ return r.db('database').table('table').get(entry('id')).delete(); });

    This would delete everything in the table where key: "value".