So I'm working on a basic Twitch Bot for my channel and the code is as follows:
import org.jibble.pircbot.IrcException;
import org.jibble.pircbot.NickAlreadyInUseException;
public class Config {
private static final String OAUTH = "MYOAUTHHERE";
private static final String ADRESS = "";
private static final int PORT = 6667;
private static final String channelName = "#MYCHANNELNAMEHERE";
public static void main(String[] args) throws NickAlreadyInUseException, IOException, IrcException {
TwitchBot bot = new TwitchBot();
bot.connect(ADRESS, PORT, OAUTH);
// bot.onMessage(channelName, "Bot", channelName, channelName, channelName);
System.out.println("Successfully joined channel!");
bot.sendMessage(channelName, "Hello, I am a bot");
import org.jibble.pircbot.*;
public class TwitchBot extends PircBot {
private static final String channelName = "#MYCHANNELNAME";
private final String botName = "THEBOTNAME";
public TwitchBot() {
public String getchannelName() {
return channelName;
public void onMessage(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) {
if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("time")) {
String time = new java.util.Date().toString();
sendMessage(channel, sender + ": The time is now " + time);
The console displays "Connected!" and "Successfully joined channel" however the bot is unresponsive, and is not in the channel I specified. It also does not print "Hello I am a bot" in the chat.
There are few things to consider about Twitch.
Twitch IRC Capabilities, can be found Here, here are few..
membership: JOIN, MODE, NAMES, PART
tags: PRIVMSG, etc'
You should add those CAP, first thing you are logged in.
Important Notice: PIRCBot, doesn't look to support twitch PRIVMSG format, which means onMessage
callback, will not be called. which leaves you to handle the parsing of received messages, through handleLine
general callback.
Code as been updated to apply to above changes, and you should set the final variables in order it to work.
import org.jibble.pircbot.*;
public class TwitchBot extends PircBot {
private final String requestedNick;
private String realNick;
private String realServer;
public TwitchBot(String nick) {
this.requestedNick = nick;
protected void onConnect() {
// Sending special capabilities.
sendRawLine("CAP REQ");
sendRawLine("CAP REQ");
sendRawLine("CAP REQ");
protected void handleLine(String line) {
if (line.startsWith(":")) {
String[] recvLines = line.split(" ");
// First message is 001, extract logged in information.
if (recvLines[1].equals("001")) {
this.realServer = recvLines[0].substring(1);
this.realNick = recvLines[2];
System.out.println("realServer: " + this.realServer);
System.out.println("realNick: " + this.realNick);
protected void onJoin(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname) {
super.onJoin(channel, sender, login, hostname);
if (sender.equals(this.realNick)){
System.out.println("Successfully joined: " + channel);
protected void onMessage(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname, String message) {
if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("time")) {
String time = new java.util.Date().toString();
sendMessage(channel, sender + ": The time is now " + time);
import org.jibble.pircbot.IrcException;
import org.jibble.pircbot.NickAlreadyInUseException;
public class goFile {
private static final String OAUTH = "MYOAUTHHERE";
private static final String ADDRESS = "";
private static final int PORT = 6667;
private static final String Nick = "MYNICKHERE";
private static final String Channel = "#MYCHANNELHERE";
public static void main(String[] args) throws NickAlreadyInUseException, IOException, IrcException {
TwitchBot bot = new TwitchBot(Nick);
bot.connect(ADDRESS, PORT, OAUTH);
bot.sendMessage(Channel, "Hello, I am a bot");