I have a REST based web application that basically processes requests and sends back responses i JSON format. Pretty basic stuff.
For this I'm using these dependencies, just to clarify:
Rather than diving into code let me just outline the basic premises here:
Not a lot of detail but hopefully we won't need more.
The thing I'm having a problem with is the json being returned, specifically one single field called "type". Here's an example:
{"type":"getPersonResult","processingTime":19,"person":{"stamPersonPID":170715,"cpr":"1223344556","fornavn":"Ulrik","efternavn":"Jørgensen","foedselsdato":"1901-01-24T00:00:00+01:00","vejnavn":"Vermindsgade","husnummer":"382C","postnummer":"1160","postDistrikt":"København K"},"encryptedPersonIdentifier":"er8xGcWCviTyP2LeIquzYA%3D%3D"}
See that first "type" field? Ok, how do I get rid of that? It's not part of my model (object being returned), it's like Moxy is appending that automatically.
I tried adding a "type" field and annotating it with @XmlTransient but Moxy ignores that and outputs a type field anyway.
What can I do to avoid that field being present in my json response?
By following suggestions in this answer I managed to remove the type field.
Specifically I added the @XmlType(name="") annotation to my response object. This solved the problem.