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Dynamically generate label for checkbox in play framework

I am quite new to Scala and the play framework and have problems generating a label for a checkbox in a form. The label is generated using the play framework (2.6.10) and its twirl template engine. I am also using the play-bootstrap library.

The following is a simplified version of my form.scala.html.

@(enrolForm: Form[EnrolData], repo: RegistrationRepository)(implicit request: MessagesRequestHeader)

@main("Enrol") {
    @b4.horizontal.formCSRF(action = routes.EnrolController.enrolPost(), "col-md-2", "col-md-10") { implicit vfc =>
        @b4.checkbox(enrolForm("car")("hasCar"), '_text -> "Checkbox @repo.priceCar")

I am unable to "evaluate" the @repo.priceCar part. It is just not evaluated and I get the literal string "@repo.priceCar".

According to the play framework documentation regarding string interpolation, I should use $ instead of @, but that doesn't work either.

When I leave out the " around the string I get all sorts of errors.

I would appreciate a hint on what I have to do.


  • Your issue is that the compiler is reading the String literally as Checkbox @repo.priceCar.

    You will need to either add Strings together or use String interpolation to access this variable, as @ is not a valid escape character in normal Scala Strings:

    @b4.checkbox(enrolForm("car")("hasCar"), '_text -> s"Checkbox ${repo.priceCar}")

    This is injecting the variable repo.priceCar into the String, rather than just reading repo.priceCar literally as a String.