Help required from people working on Google-AMP
I am trying to hide a particular part of a div( an item from navbar) while scrolling down.
Let say I need to hide this div.
<div id="divToHide">This div is to hide on scroll down. </div>
AMP Animation Code:
<amp-animation id="hideDiv"
<script type="application/json">
"duration": "200ms",
"fill": "both",
"iterations": "1",
"direction": "alternate",
"animations": [{
"selector": "#divToHide",
"keyframes": [{
"display": "none"
AMP position observer code:
<amp-position-observer on="enter:hideDiv.start" layout="nodisplay"></amp-position-observer>
When I change display: none
to the following
"opacity": "0", "visibility": "hidden"
The div content disappears but still it takes the space. It should not take space as display: none
does. Help me workout for display none type solution.
Display none is not allowed in keyframes in amp animation. Although this is not going to work for every case. But anyhow this worked for me.
I moved element out of screen and it seemed as hidden. Here is the solution.
"keyframes": [{
"transform": "translateY(-80px)"
A trick for element somewhere between the viewport you can simply move it on X axis i.e.100vw
"transform": "translateY(100vw)"
"transform": "translateY(200vw)"
The second one is more secure.
Hopes this would help. Thanks