Can I pass the name
of the widget to the function
to create Tabs?
Something like
let widgetName = new Tab({
created, i.e.: .appendTo(tabCart)
Note: When I create a function createTextViews()
I assign a unique
id: txvName +(index)
(an array
is passed to createTextView()
, then a forEach
and can address each TextView
by id, which works great.
Sample Code: (works on /playground)
const {Tab, TabFolder, TextView, ui} = require('tabris')
let tabFolder = new TabFolder({
left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0
createTab('tabCart', 'Cart')
createTab('tabPay', 'Pay')
createTab('tabStats', 'Stats')
function createTab (widgetName, title) {
// let widgetName = new Tab({ //fails, can't assign twice, wrong type anyways
let tab = new Tab({
title: title
new TextView({
centerX: 0, centerY: 0,
text: 'Content of Tab ' + title
Thanks Cookie Guru. Your suggestion of return tab
is the solution I was hoping for.
Here's a little sample of how I will be using this in my app:
const {Button, ImageView, Tab, TabFolder, TextView, ui} = require('tabris')
let tabFolder = new TabFolder({
left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0
let tabCart = createTab('Cart', 'text-color')
new Button({
centerX: 0, top: 60,
text: 'Change textColor / remove tabPay'
}).on('select', () => {
tabFolder.find('.text-color').set('textColor', 'red')
tabPay.visible = false
tabItems.title = 'Items (1)'
let tabItems = createTab('items', 'text-color')
new ImageView({
centerX: 0, top: 0,
image: ''
let tabPay = createTab('Pay', 'text-color')
function createTab (title, tclass) {
let tab = new Tab({
title: title
new TextView({
centerX: 0, centerY: 0,
text: 'Content of Tab ' + title,
class: tclass
return tab