Two Jtables in this example show a challenge am facing. Simply put,one table is a Master table while the second depends on the Master table data. Master table contains data which on column 3 is Boolean, the purpose of the second table is simply to display all data that on column 3 which is true(Names of all Males). In other words, all data that is false as far as column 3 on Master table is concerned is not to be displayed.
The problem is that when I ran the code, only one element is displayed in the second table while other data which is 'Boolean=true' is ignored as shown below.
What might be wrong with my code which fails to display all Boolean true data on the second table.NOTE: I also tried to used the DefaultTableModel addRow() method within the loop but also failed to display all data that is true from MasterTable Column 3.
public class ZoomTable extends JFrame{
JPanel panel;
Object [] masterColumns = new Object []{"Name","Age","Male"};
Object [][] masterData = new Object [][]{
{"Simon",10,new Boolean(true)},
{"Jane",10,new Boolean(false)},
{"Hellen",10,new Boolean(false)},
{"Amos",10,new Boolean(true)},
{"Brenda",10,new Boolean(false)},
{"Dennis",10,new Boolean(true)},
{"Mary",10,new Boolean(false)},
MasterTableModel mtm = new MasterTableModel(masterData,masterColumns);
Vector<Vector> maleListData = new Vector<Vector>();
Vector maleList = new Vector();
public static void main(String[] args) {
ZoomTable zoom = new ZoomTable();
zoom.setSize(new Dimension(600,800));
void init(){
panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JTable masterTable = new JTable(masterData,masterColumns);
JScrollPane spMaster = new JScrollPane();
Vector <String> tinyColumns = new Vector <String>();
tinyColumns.addElement("NAMES OF MALES");
DefaultTableModel dtm = new DefaultTableModel(maleListVector(),tinyColumns);
JTable tinyTable = new JTable(dtm);
JScrollPane spTiny = new JScrollPane();
public Vector maleListVector(){
for(int k = 0;k < mtm.getRowCount();k++){
String maleName = mtm.getValueAt(k,0).toString();
System.out.println(maleName+" is Male");
else if(mtm.getValueAt(k,2).equals(false)){
String femaleName = mtm.getValueAt(k,0).toString();
System.out.println(femaleName+" is Female");
return maleListData;}
class MasterTableModel extends AbstractTableModel{
Object [][] data;
Object [] cols;
MasterTableModel(Object[][] masterData, Object[] masterColumns) {
data = masterData;
cols = masterColumns;
public int getRowCount() {
return data.length;
public int getColumnCount() {
return cols.length;
public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
return data[rowIndex][columnIndex];
The data for the DefaultTableModel is a Vector of Vectors.
You only ever add one Vector to the "maleListData" so this means you have a single row with multiple columns of data.
This is easy to verify. Just change your code to:
tinyColumns.addElement("NAMES OF MALES");
and you will see another column of data.
So the solution to your problem is to add a new row of data to the Vector for every male item you find:
Vector row = new Vector(1);
maleListData.addElement( row );