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Vue.js - Need to switch direction (rtl to ltr and vice versa) without reload

I'm using Vue.js with vue-i18n to switch languages on my project without the need to refresh. However, when i want to switch between Arabic and anything else i need to change the website's design from (right to left) to (left to right) or vice versa.

It is currently made so that i would need a refresh to load my rtl.scss file:

This is the code that loads css on refresh:

let locale = VueCookie.get('locale') || 'en'
if (locale === 'ar') {

This is the code that makes the page refresh:

if (newLocale === 'ar' || oldLocale === 'ar') {


  • Going off of Jacob Goh's comment you can do the following:

    Change your first snippet to:

    let locale = VueCookie.get('locale') || 'en'
    if (locale === 'ar') {

    and ur second to:

    if (newLocale === 'ar' || oldLocale === 'ar') {

    finally edit your rtl.scss file to:

    body.rtl {
      /* Old scss */