Search code examples

Bing reverse geocoding

I am using Bing map to get the postal code from a pin location. With this code, sometimes I am getting a full postal code (eg. G0L 4K0) and sometimes I receive a partial postal code (eg. G0L).

function reverseGeocode(pin) {
            var pinLocation = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(pin.geometry.y, pin.geometry.x);
            var searchRequest = {
                location: pinLocation,
                callback: function (r) {
                    postalCodeStart = r;
                errorCallback: function (e) {

by example, with this url : ",-73.5547?o=json&key=myKey", I get "postalCode":"H2L"

I really need to receive the full postal code, how can I get it?

Thanks in advance


  • Finally I found that Bing map's api is not always perfect while using its reverse geocoding (i found many questions related to my issue on internet) seems to have a morre complete api while you need to use reverse geocoding