I am using the 7zip SDK to compress and decompress files. Everything is working just fine except that when I decompress the files, (multiple files compressed in one file) I do not know their extension.
The file name and extension are written in the properties at the time of compression?
If not, how could I write those properties?
How do I read those specific properties to programmatically name the extracted files?
// Write the encoder properties
// Write the decompressed file size.
output.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(input.Length), 0, 8);
//This is how I am writing the standard properties
// Read properties
byte[] propertyBytes = new byte[5];
input.Read(propertyBytes, 0, 5);
//File length
byte[] fileLengthBytes = new byte[8];
input.Read(fileLengthBytes, 0, 8);
long fileLength = BitConverter.ToInt64(fileLengthBytes, 0);
//Reading the properties and the size of the file.
So based on the decompression method what I understand is that the file properties are on the bytes 0-5.
Should the file name and extension be located there? How do I read it to name my file during the creating of the extracted file?
I just need to find the name of the file compressed and its format to when creating the fileStream for the output file, I can name it correctly.
Any ideas?
I figured that:
I am saving the file name and extension in a variable like that:
string nameOfFile = new FileInfo(filesToCompress[i]).Name;
To write the file name as a property on my compressed file, I have to transform that into a byte array and use the fileStream
to write it into the file:
//write the file name
byte[] filenameByts = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(nameOfFile);
output.Write(filenameByts, 0, filenameByts.Length);