I have to convert this countdown-like Date
format 0d0h0m0s
to milliseconds. The format can optionally have 0d
, 0h
, 0m
heading values, hence admitted values are
while at least one trailing 0s
format value is required, the 0
value is optional for each of the dhm
formats, so 0m5s
and 5s
are both admitted values.
Since this function will be applied N times per sec. (N between 10 and 100), there is a performances constraint for each function execution time.
NOTE. It's possible to use a simple Regex
pattern to split the string like /[dhms]/gi
into date components for day
, hour
, minutes
and seconds
, but I was looking to a date formatting safe approach.
One option would be to extract all matches with a regular expression, and then multiply and sum as needed:
const re = /(?:(\d+)y)?(?:(\d+)m)?(?:(\d+)d)?(?:(\d+)h)?(?:(\d+)m)?(?:(\d+)s)?/;
const toSeconds = input => {
const [, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds] = input.match(re);
// console.log({years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds})
const totalDays = ((years || 0) * 365)
+ ((months || 0) * 30)
+ (days || 0);
const totalSeconds = totalDays * 24 * 3600
+ ((hours || 0)*3600)
+ ((minutes || 0) * 60)
+ (seconds || 0)
return totalSeconds * 1000;
10s`.split('\n').forEach(str => console.log(toSeconds(str)));
Of course, if you want a different calculation (such as 365.25 days per year, or something like that), such a tweak would be quite easy to implement.