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R ggplot changing the color and legend sequences in legend

the data in this post: joining all points inside a grouped point plot using ggplot remains same I have added one more column to it. By taking help of given solution by Jimbou I wrote following code

 States Clusters   value Comp_apply L1_25 L1_30 L1_50     x xbreaks
<chr>  <chr>      <dbl>      <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 HR     Cluster-1 0.0703          9     2     4     7    31    32.7
2 HR     Cluster-2 0.0761          4     2     2     3    33    32.7
3 HR     Cluster-3 0.0692          9     7     7     8    34    32.7
4 WB     Cluster-1 0.0372         13     2     2     2   111   113. 
5 WB     Cluster-2 0.0762         13     2     3     6   113   113. 
6 WB     Cluster-3 0.0906         13     3     3     4   114   113. 

now the code for plotting is

 geom_line(aes(x = x, y = Comp_apply, group=States,color="red")
           ,position=position_dodge(width = 0.90))+
  geom_point(aes(x = x, y = Comp_apply, group=States,color="red")
        ,position=position_dodge(width = 0.90))+
  geom_line(aes(x = x, y = L1_25, group=States,color="green")
        ,position=position_dodge(width = 0.90))+
  geom_point(aes(x = x, y = L1_25, group=States,color="green")
         ,position=position_dodge(width = 0.90))

Now the plot looks as follows enter image description here

can you help me how to rectify this


  • If you want to assign, as you did, a color to a whole geom, just put colour="red" outside of the aes(). But then the colour will not appear in legend as it is not mapped to any factor.

    The correct way to do this is to modify your data.frame so that Comp_apply and L1_25 appears as two modalities of the same factor (i.e. in the same column). I can't do it for you as your data are not provided.

    Then you would have to call geom_point and geom_line only once. Provide data and I update my answer.