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Concatenate a character to a TextBox value

How to concatenate a character after the field value in a text box in Telerik Reporting?

I tried the below way. Its not working. Is there any way to achieve this task?

= {Fields.OlderThan} + " Days"
= {Fields.OlderThan} + Days
= {Fields.OlderThan} Days

textBox24.Value expression [= {Fields.OlderThan} "Days"] is not valid:

If Fields.OlderThan = 10 Result should be "10 Days"


  • You should get rid of those {}. It should work just fine without them: = Fields.OlderThan + " Days".

    I also like to handle the case where the field might be null, because if Fields.OlderThan is null nothing will get printed in your text box:

    = IsNull(Fields.OlderThan,"") + " Days"