I am using grails mail plugin to send email as shown below. how can i include link in body?
delegate.to em
delegate.subject params['subject']
delegate.body "${params['body']} \n\nPlease click <a href='${l}'> Unsubscribe </a> to unsubscribe from the list."
In the received email it is received as
Please click <a href='https://ne-palmr.com/road/subscriptionCancellation/cancelSubscription?email=test%40gmail.com&from=979&t=d4007eb1ec361d8c3ec82f9525af2d08'> Unsubscribe </a> to unsubscribe from the list.
whereas the expected result is
Please click Unsubscribe to unsubscribe from the list.
Will duplicate Slack answer here: You need to change body
to html
Also you don't need to use delegate
before methods